Thursday, April 23, 2009

Bucky Brown Of the Northern Forest

Bucky Brown was forced into growing up at a young age. Bucky knew that money didn’t grow on trees but, with work, it did grow in the fields. Bucky worked every night as a young boy, and his money kept adding up. By the time the money was in his hands, the Northern Forest was his. Bucky took off into the wild, threat beholding, wilderness with his two horses as his only company. But that would soon all change. But was the change for the better or the worse? How long does it take to get from good to bad? From bad to worse? After bad, does good have room to fit in again? Bucky is the kindest person you could ever want to know. The problem is the extent of his good nature is equivalent to the extent of his rugged dark side, against anyone who messes with his new found friends or, especially, his family. Bucky will do anything in his power, to take down the ones who've done him wrong. But is anything in his path strong enough to bring him down first?

Monday, April 6, 2009

Terry Mooney II

Hey everyone,
I never claimed to be an author but i did write a book. In my mind to be an author, or at least to call your self an author, you should have people (who don't know you personaly) want to read your work. That is my delema right there, everyone who knows who i am, either want to or already have, read my writting and I havn't had a bad reveiw yet. The problem is trying to get people form other states or even countrys read what i have to say. So i thought i would start here on to get the word out that i have a decent (i can't say great because it's my book) story that is acheing to be read by somone who has no idea who i am or what i'm about.
It's kind of like conflict of interest, somone who knows me would most likely only want read my books because they know me, or because somone who does know me had told them about me.
I only have one story in print at the moment but i have story's on my waiting list i am editing and more in the prosses of being written as i type this blog. Im not writting to become a author or to get money, i'm writting becasue i have storys that should be read. Storys that, in my eyes, could only be told by me. If i think somone else could come up with this, or any, story i will stop writing it before i even start. My storys have to be mine, Thought of by me, interpreted into writing by me and so far, edited, published and revised by me.
I'm writting this blog to catch anyones eye who lets it catch it. I would love for you to read my story and contact me with a reveiw. It will be greatly appreciated by me regardless of the reveiw you leave. I need to know how my book feels to be read by somone who has no idea who Terry Mooney II is.
You can order the book online at http:/
You can contact me at
Thank you for your time, i will follow up on this blog within a week or so.